AKS Quarterly Newsletter

"The Punchline Editorial"
March 2020

The Master's Edge

Fred Reinecke
Frederic A. Reinecke
9th Dan
AKS Chief Instructor

What To Do With Your Spare Time

Well the State of Michigan has issued an Executive Order mandating that we all stay home and only go out in case of emergency. As this pandemic plays out, most states will probably adopt this policy. No matter how you feel about this, you should try and use this period of time wisely. Finally, I have plenty of time to review and practice all of the forms that I want to improve. It's also a good time to wear out your heavy bag that you have hanging in the basement. Lastly, as long as you practice the social distancing, you can take long walks and/or runs to help keep you in better shape. Actually you can use this time to do anything you want. For me, practicing karate has always been my go to activity.

Something I teach in my self-defense classes is that we have no control over weather or governments or how other people act. The only control we have is over ourselves. When times seem scary and uncertain, practicing karate or any other martial art gives you self-confidence along with self-control.

The good news is that this will not last forever. It may last longer than we would like, but as martial artists, I believe we should have the patience to ride this out. On top of that, we will all come back to our classes probably at a higher skill level.

On an optimistic note for the future, at this time the summer camp is still on for July. I'm looking for ideas as to what should be taught this year. So make sure you email me your suggestions.

Also, Andrew Eckhart is still looking for videos of all our forms to be put on our training page.

So, good luck and everyone stay safe! Wash Hands


Frederic A. Reinecke 9th Degree
American Karate System

Slideshow Indicators

An example of using buttons to indicate how many slides there are in the slideshow, and which slide the user is currently viewing.

The DoJo

Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas
8th Dan AKS

Collecting Trophies

by Dave Thomas

I vividly remember the very first trophy I won competing in karate. It was the fall of 1973, Mr. Lieb held an interschool tournament to raise money to send a team of AKS Black Belts to Mr. Nick Cerio's tournament in Rhode Island.

At the time, I was a green belt and had been competing in tournaments for about a year. As a competitor, I had become very adept at making my opponent look well-trained and skilled. But that night, I won against some very talented classmates. I'm sure I was the most surprised of the division.

That first win will always be special. Today that little trophy holds a place of honor on a shelf along with a number of other antique friends. Together they collect the dust of bygone glories. Trophies shine brightest in the moments after winning. Then they come home to rest in an obscure out-of-the way place. Souvenirs in recognition of a special occasion that now shine quiet.

I retired from competition at the age of 57. In my mind, I believed I still had a couple more competitions to attend. My body said, "You're not the competitor you used to be." But even today, I still manage to accrue trophies.

Today, my trophies wear size '0' uniforms, wear yellow belts and struggle to learn 'H' Form. They come to class with the energy and the enthusiasm to learn. They dream of being the next Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris. They know all the names and skills of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These students are shiny in their innocence and bright in their charm.

Though I can't take them home, I do take away the experience and memories we make together. I teach them how to be a more knowledgeable and safer student. They remind me that I still have a purpose in teaching and sharing the martial arts experience.

They go home with Mom and Dad; I go home with a glad heart, knowing I am making a difference. These are the trophies I value the most, these are the trophies that give me the greatest joy.

Dave Thomas
8th Dan


by Someone

Sandra Gore, 3rd Dan AKS

Black Belt Promotions

2nd Dan
Tri-Cities Family YMCA AKS Karate Club, Grand Haven, MI
2nd Dan
Tri-Cities Family YMCA AKS Karate Club, Grand Haven, MI

John Folsom
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Salem Karate Club, Salem, West Virginia

1st Grade Brown
2nd Dan

Dave Thomas
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Tri-Cities Family YMCA AKS Karate Club, Grand Haven, MI 49417

Ian Clark-Alder
8th Grade Yellow

E. Jude Gore
7th Dan
Chief Instructor

Mountaineer Karate Club, Meadowbrook, West Virginia

Judah Pierson
8th Grade Yellow

Rand (Skip) Palmer
6th Dan
Chief Instructor

West Toledo YMCA Karate
& Self-Defense Program

Catherine Anne Snyder
7th Grade Yellow

Mark Soderstrom
3rd Dan
Chief Instructor

Community Shores Karate Club, Muskegon, MI 49441

Scott Green
3rd Grade Brown
Dana Patterson
7th Grade Yellow
Veronica Bremer
8th Grade Yellow
Carla Griffes
8th Grade Yellow
Carson Jasick
8th Grade Yellow
Dee Jasick
8th Grade Yellow
Michael Scraver
8th Grade Yellow

John Billie
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor

Old Town Karate Club, Monongah, West Virginia 26554

1st Grade Brown
2nd Dan

Jeff Johnson
1st Dan
Chief Instructor

Oklahoma Karate Club, Mustang, Oklahoma

1st Grade Brown
2nd Dan


CONGRATULATIONS to all students who have been promoted this past quarter, and to those we've missed in prior newsletters.

Best wishes in your continued training!

Attention Instructors, if you have students who have been promoted, please send this information so that we may acknowledge their accomplishments.

A.K.S. NEWS . . .

Website Updates

Happy Spring to all! Here is a little more information on the restructing of the website.

So far so good, with what has been done to this point - as far as I can tell.

The HOME, ABOUT US, MEMBER DIRECTORY, and all CLUB pages (with exception of the Muskegon Karate Group and Agent Self-Defense), have been updated and are working.

I will continue to address the remaining pages, and may even consolidate some pages as I have done with the Club pages. For instance, there is no longer a 'group listing' for the club pages. The individual 'club' links on the MEMBER directory page will take you directly to that club's Member listing. By consolidating some pages, it will allow a shorter 'Main Menu' list so that things will fit nicely on smaller screens.

Again, this will be a long process, but will eventually result in a much cleaner look on all devices. Yay!

As always, if you have problems with the new design, or have requests or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at   AKS Webmaster

With all this extra time on our hands because of the virus, be diligent in keeping our 6 foot perimeters, washing hands, covering a cough or sneeze, washing hands, staying positive, washing hands, catching up on reading, movies and board games with "also bored" family members, washing hands, wear your gloves to the grocery store - and IN the grocery store, washing hands, DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE - or anyone else's! Oh! and WASH YOUR HANDS!! If we are vigilent, we can recover sooner than later. Let's work together (from 6 feet). We CAN do this!

Laura Werner
AKS Webmaster

AKS Summer Camp

2020 Summer Camp is still on schedule for July 17, 18 and 19. Let's make this one a B.I.G. event . . . plan now.


Sydney Brooks

Tournament News

No news for this quarter . . .

2020 Black Belt Membership Dues

All memberships dues for 2020 should be current. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Dave Thomas.

Do You Have Member News ?

Please send news (weddings, births, graduations, etc.) so that we may share with our members and friends.  Accompanying pictures are most welcome!

If you have a concern, question or suggestion, please let us know and we will address it here in the Punchline.

Please send your information to the AKS Webmaster.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Be safe. Be Positive. Be Kind. Always!

Contact Info

AKS Executive Board

Fred Reinecke
John Folsom  (304) 782-3756
Jude Gore
Debra Roy
Andrew Eckhart
AKS Executive Board Advisor
Mike Sullenger

Social Media


AKS Facebook Fan Page

AKS Facebook Group

You will need to have a FaceBook Login for the 'Group' link.

AKS Web Addresses

Our Official Web Address:


In addition:   www.aks-usa.org  or   www.aks-usa.net  will direct you to our website as well.

You can type in    www.aks-usa.info   and you will be taken directly to our "About Us" web page.  Please check us out!!

For Questions or Comments