AKS Quarterly Newsletter
June 2024
The Master's Edge

9th Dan
AKS Chief Instructor
AKS Summer Camp 2024
Friday July 26th, Saturday July 27th 2024
AKS members past and present, open to all other styles. See schedule below.
Cost for the event is $55.00 per person, second family member $10.00 each.
Training & Testing Location: AKS Headquarters Bldg. 5571 E Apple Ave, Muskegon, MI 49442
- Friday, July 26st
- 1:00pm until 4:00pm We have no one testing this year, the gym will be open for anyone coming in on Friday for training.
- 7:00pm Evening Black Belt Meeting, AKS Headquarters. This meeting is for registered Black Belts only.
- Saturday, July 27th
- 9:00am AKS Headquarters opens. Come early and warm up on your own.
- 10:00am to 11:00am 1st Session AKS Forms Review. Fred Reinecke 9th Degree
- 11:00am to 12:00 noon 2nd Session Weapons, Bo, Nunchuck, Sai, Tunfa. David Hayes 9th Dan If you are planning to attend a weapons session, please furnish your own weapon.
- Noon until 1:00pm Lunch, group photograph at 1:00pm
- 1:15pm to 2:30pm 3rd Session, Mike Sullenger 9th Dan, Street Self-Defense tactics
- 2:45pm to 4:00pm 4th Session, Andrew Eckhart 5th Dan, Forms Bunkia
- Sessions listed may be moved depending on attendance.
- 6:00pm AKS Dinner, Whitlow's Restaurant, 4610 Airline Rd, Muskegon, MI 49444 This is a restaurant with a large seating area in the back. Holds 36 people. We will not be collecting money for the dinner. It will be ala cart with open bar.
Please RSVP via text or email.
Please RSVP for the training or attending the dinner via text to: 231-666-4765 or eMail to far.photo.fred@gmail.com
- Fred Reinecke 9th Degree AKS, Review of AKS Forms
- Dave Thomas 8th Degree AKS, Review of AKS Forms
- David Hayes 9th Dan Shoryn Ryu, Review of Weapons Forms
- Mike Sullenger 9th Degree AKS Emeritus Street Self-Defense
- Andy Eckhart 5th Degree AKS, Forms Bunkia
Fred Reinecke
AKS Chief Instructor
Far Karate Facebook Page
You may also check our AKS Facebook Page for information.
The DoJo

8th Dan AKS
A Student's Question
Dave Thomas
Several years ago I had an adult student pose an interesting question.
"Mr. Thomas, is karate a religion?"
My answer came very easy. "No it's not a religion. Your personal beliefs and moral convictions are your own. It's not our place to suggest you modify or change them."
I went on to explain that the role of martial arts was to enhance self-esteem and self-discipline; there were many positive benefits for training in the martial arts. Physical conditioning, positive self-image, managing fears, and fostering new friendships are but a few of the merits.
He nodded in agreement and seemed satisfied with my answer.
I was intrigued by his question and thought about it often. I know that training with Mr. Lieb had changed some of my views and solidified many of my own beliefs.
Still mulling over the question one evening after class, I was talking with Father James Wyse, a Catholic priest, who is one of our AKS Black Belts. He and I often waxed philosophic on a litany of subjects before going home. I asked him, "Father Wyse, doesn't being a priest training in the martial arts cause you a philosophical dilemma?"
He smiled and said, "Not at all. What was the orginal intent?"
My questioning silence let him complete his comment.
"The orginal intent was to improve mind and body." He went on to remind me that the original training was to improve the physical and mental conditioning of the Shaolin priests so they could further their difficult monastic studies. The fighting, self-defense and weapons training were a by-product of their intense training.
So is karate a religion? I would say as an instructor in the American Karate System, certainly not. It is not our place to change your moral or personal opinions, nor should we try.
Does it make a difference in our lives? Absolutely. It gives us physical and mental strength to champion our beliefs and remain steadfast in our life's views.
Can it nurture humility and peace? I remember when Mr. Lieb hosted a dinner for two of his dear friends; one a member of the Palestian Council from Washington D.C., and a prominent local Jewish physician. He was so proud that he could bring these two men with such diverse backgrounds together and enjoy each other's company for an evening.
We are making a difference, sometimes small, but a difference nonetheless.
Dave Thomas
8th Dan

Chief Instructor Emeritus
Michael A. Sullenger
Chief Instructor - Emeritus
Respectively yours in Budo,
Mike Sullenger, 9th Dan
AKS Chief Instructor Emeritus

Black Belt Promotions

Fred Reinecke
9th Dan
Chief Instructor

John Folsom
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Dave Thomas
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Sydney E. Brooks
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor

Andrew Eckhart
5th Dan
Chief Instructor
& Self-Defense Program

Mark Soderstrom
4th Dan
Chief Instructor

John Billie
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor
CONGRATULATIONS to all students who have been promoted this past quarter, and to those we've missed in prior newsletters.
Best wishes in your continued training!
Attention Instructors, if you have students who have been promoted, please send this information so that we may acknowledge their accomplishments.
Website Updates

Yes, I'm still here.
Just want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas / Holiday, many "New Year" Blessings, and only good things to come.
It is my belief that the AKS will endure. We are coming upon almost 20 years (yes . . . 20) since our founder left this world and the AKS. It is a tribute to our senior leaders that we are STILL a vibrant martial arts community.
As we reflect on 2023, let us make a committment to make Ernie proud. I truly believe that if he could see us today, he would be AMAZED.

You know "that SMILE." He definitely is not done with the AKS! Let it be "Y O U" who makes Ernie proud.
The AKS will endure. PEACE - JOY - LOVE to all.
Laura Werner
AKS Webmaster

✨2024 AKS Summer Camp 50th Anniversary
Summer Camp dates are TBD
Tournament News
No tournaments news reported this quarter.
Black Belt Membership Dues
Please contact Dave Thomas.
Do You Have Member News ?
Please send news (weddings, births, graduations, etc.) so that we may share with our members and friends. Accompanying pictures are most welcome!
If you have a concern, question or suggestion, please let us know and we will address it here in the Punchline.
Please send your information to the AKS Webmaster. We look forward to hearing from you!
Available Clubs and Schedules:

Schedule a phone call and I'll get in touch

AKS Karate Muskegon
Cassel Training Center
AKS is conducting classes for AGES 8 + up at Cassell Training Center, 710 Alberta Street, Muskegon, MI.
Classes are Tuesdays & Fridays from 6:30p - 8:00p
Cost for individuals - $50.00 a month
Cost for family (immediate) - $75.00 a month
Chief Instructor - Dave Thomas, 8th Dan Black Belt AKS
Guest Instructor - Robert Essenberg, 3rd Dan AKS who was awarded 2009 Instructor of the Year by the Black Belt Hall of Fame
Assistant Instructors: Jim Roy 6th Dan AKS, Debra Roy 6th Dan AKS, Robert Roy 1st Dan AKS.
Call Dave for more information: 231-206-3279
Attention Club Instructors. Please send your club/class schedule to me so that I can include your class schedules here.
Contact Info

Fred Reinecke
John Folsom (304) 782-3756
Jude Gore / Chairperson
Debra Roy
Andrew Eckhart
Kristyn Reinecke
Mike Sullenger
The AKS Executive Board is currently working on updating the AKS Student Handbook and The AKS Rules and Regulations. This also includes techniques and requirements. If you find errors in the handbook, please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions to grow and improve the AKS.
AKS Facebook Fan Page
AKS Karate Headquarters FB
West Virginia AKS FB
AKS Facebook Group
You will need to have a FaceBook Login for the 'Group' link.Our Official Web Address:
www.aks-usa.comIn addition: www.aks-usa.org or www.aks-usa.net will direct you to our website as well.
You can type in www.aks-usa.info and you will be taken directly to our "About Us" web page. Please check us out!!
For Questions or CommentsMike Sullenger - Chief Instructor Emeritus
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AKS Webmaster