AKS Quarterly Newsletter
September 2022
The Master's Edge

9th Dan
AKS Chief Instructor
September, 2022
Our annual summer camp in August was a success. We had a good testing on Friday the 5th along with a good day of training on Saturday August 6th. Deb and Jim Roy successfully past their test for Master level 6th Degree Black Belt. Mark Soderstrom also passed his 4th Degree Black Belt test.
Laura Rohr 2nd Grade Brown Belt received the Student of the year Award. Sheryl Weihl 5th Degree was awarded the Black Belt of the Year for her service to the AKS; along with teaching and competing.
Saturday was a full day of training with Instructors Tom Twining 8th Degree working us on a two person Bo, Tunfa drill. David Hayes 8th Dan Okinawan Shoryn Ryu, took us through Suikendo sets for self-defense. Dave Thomas 8th Degree led us through self-defense against a knife, gun and club. The last hour was used for review and also Free Sparring Technique.
The evening concluded with a pizza buffet at the Northside pub. A good time was had by all. At this summer camp it was brought to our attention that next year will be the 50th Anniversary of the AKS. So next year's summer camp planning has begun. We will be setting a date by the end of the year. While the planning has just begun, we are hoping to invite any person that was a member of the AKS in the past to come and celebrate with us. So if you are still in touch with any said ex-member, please send me their name so that I can get them an invitation. You can also invite them on your own. We would like to have people RSVP so that we can plan accordingly. If you have any additional ideas for this celebration, please contact the AKS executive board member in your area to pass along the information.
We are still holding Advance training classes at the AKS Headquarters on Saturday Mornings in Muskegon, these also include Weapons/Kobudo training.

Until next time, Peace!
Fred Reinecke
AKS Chief Instructor
Far Karate Facebook Page
You may also check our AKS Facebook Page for information.
The DoJo

8th Dan AKS
First Impressions, Lasting Benefits
Dave Thomas
As an instructor, when a new student walks on the floor, I envision them as a future Black Belt. Teaching them basics, learning forms and graduating to fluid and efficient self-defense. So many opportunities, so much to learn and making the martial arts experience enjoyable and productive during the process. Many times we have seen students on their journey grow and mature; gaining confidence and strength.
The reality is, most new students drop-out after a few months. They stop coming to class for a litany of reasons. Sometimes they are disappointed that they will not be getting a Black Belt in the very near future. Sometimes they under estimate the hard work and sacrifice required to continue to move up in rank. There can also be reasons beyond their control, relocation, school demands or new and very different opportunities.
So, as instructors, do we minimize our efforts and energies toward them and work harder with the more proven and dedicated student? Do we save our best training until we consider them worthy of our instruction?
Patently no. Every student deserves our best efforts every time they step on the floor.
Karate has so much more to offer beyond kicking and punching. Through training, students learn about themselves. They learn that they can exceed their expectations and grow in self confidence. The intangibles we offer are not spelled out in the American Karate System handbook; things like self-discipline, self-esteem, controlling fear and a new level of growth. But these benefits are there between the pages.
I have never started a class with, "Tonight we are going to practice respecting ourselves and valuing our worth as a person." I've never had to say it, I can see it as the student learns a new form or executes a flawless technique. There are smiles and excitement at the end of class, the joy of accomplishment.
Whether they are in class a month or a decade, we teach our students that they are important and they are valued. We teach them how not to be a victim, how to deal with a bully both verbally and if necessary, physically. These are the lessons that last a lifetime.
Over the years, I have had a number of former students contact me; to let me know how much they learned in karate and what a positive influence it was on their life. They said that being in karate, however brief, made a difference in their life.
Most instructors will never know the positive influence they have made on their students, but the benefit is real and long term.
Dave Thomas
8th Dan
What Mr. Thomas Said . . .
Laura Werner

As I was entering the article Mr. Thomas wrote for this month's Punchline, it struck me as to how true his observations are. At least as far as our family is concerned. It seems like only a short while ago that my kids were in Mrs. Lieb's and Mr. Jay Carr's class at Omni Fitness. I didn't realize at the time that I would also be "hooked" on karate. Mostly because my kids were in it, and it seemed like great excersize.
But, as I think about it, it was more so because of the instructors. I started with Mr. Lieb. Need I say more? Thank you, Mr. Lieb!
And then there was Mrs. Lieb. Pretty tough for a woman, I thought. And that's just because she was married to Mr. Lieb!!😜 But also, BECAUSE she was a woman . . . in karate. She became my inspiration. If she could do this, then so could I! Thank you, Mrs. Lieb.
During my time at Omni, Mr. Reinecke would stop by once in a while to teach a few things. I specifically remember one particular session on the racketball court where he had me shadow boxing my arms off! I think I learned to push through the fatigue, and mentally, I really kicked booty! Thank you, Mr. Reinecke.
I eventually started training with Mr. Thomas at Ross Park. This is where I spent most of my karate career. Mr. Thomas was instrumental in seeing that technique and style were performed to the level that he knew I was capable of. His encouragement and support were invaluable in helping me see that I was much stronger than I knew. And I do have to say, that it took EVERYTHING I had to test for my 1st DAN. I remember thinking to myself in the Ross Park gymnasium (as I stood waiting for Mr. Lieb and the BOARD to begin), that I was only 30 feet from those big double doors. I could escape before anyone knew I was gone. But Mr. Thomas walked past me and said, "You got this." Indeed. Thank you Mr. Thomas.
Thank you to all my awesome instructors during my training at Ross Park; Mr. Brian Fox, Mr. Tom Apostle, and of course Mr. & Mrs. Roy. I just want you all to know that you are much respected and appreciated.
And so the tradition continues in our family.

Jason, Marion, Oliver and Isla live in Franklin, Tennessee. Oliver is training with Family First Martial Arts there and seems to enjoy it very much.
I wish for him the same awesome instructors that I have the priviledge of knowing.
Laura Werner 2nd Dan AKS
AKS Webmaster

Fred Reinecke
9th Dan
Chief Instructor

John Folsom
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Dave Thomas
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

E. Jude Gore
7th Dan
Chief Instructor

Rand (Skip) Palmer
6th Dan
Chief Instructor
& Self-Defense Program

Mark Soderstrom
4th Dan
Chief Instructor

John Billie
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor
CONGRATULATIONS to all students who have been promoted this past quarter, and to those we've missed in prior newsletters.
Best wishes in your continued training!
Attention Instructors, if you have students who have been promoted, please send this information so that we may acknowledge their accomplishments.
A.K.S. NEWS . . .
Summer Camp Awards and Promotions

Congratulations to Jim & Deb Roy (left) who were promoted to Master Level 6th Dan, and to Mark Soderstrom promoted to 4th Dan. Jim and Deb are assistant instructors at American Karate Club Cassell Training Center. Mark is the Chief Instructor of Shores Community Karate Club. Well done!

Congratulations to Laura Rohr (left) on being awarded 2022 Student of the Year, and to Sheryl Weihl (right) on being awarded Black Belt of the Year.
I am so proud of these two! Although both are very skilled, that's not why they received the awards. Most important was character, commitment, and contributions toward representing the AKS with honor. Congratulations and thank you! Laura is a 2nd Grade Brown Belt at AKS Headquarters Karate Club. Sheryl is a 5th Dan assistant instructor at AKS Headquarters Karate Club.

Davey Gonzales, David Hayes, Fred Reinecke at a recent Tadashi Yamashita seminar.
Website Updates

So far so good. Lots of work but our webpages are rendering very nicely on smaller screens. Still much to do, but will eventually cover all pages.

As always, if you have problems with the new design, or have requests or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at AKS Webmaster
Let's keep the recovery going by adhering to our (un)social-distancing practices. Be diligent in keeping our 6 foot perimeters, washing hands, covering a cough or sneeze, washing hands, staying positive, washing hands, catching up on reading, movies and board games with "also bored" family members, washing hands, wear your masks to the grocery store - and IN the grocery store, washing hands, DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE - or anyone else's! Oh! and WASH YOUR HANDS!! If we are vigilent, we CAN prevent a re-lapse. Let's work together (from 6 feet). We CAN do this!
Laura Werner
AKS Webmaster
✨2023 AKS Summer Camp 50th Anniversary
Let's make this a very special event. All past AKS members - please let us know if you would be interested in attending this event. We promise not to disappoint! You may contact any of our board advisors, instructors, or the AKS Webmaster.
Available Clubs and Schedules:

Tom Twining 8th Dan
Schedule a phone call and I'll get in touch

AKS is conducting classes for AGES 8 + up at Cassell Training Center, 710 Alberta Street, Muskegon, MI.
Classes are Tuesdays & Fridays from 6:30p - 8:00p
Cost for individuals - $50.00 a month
Cost for family (immediate) - $75.00 a month
Chief Instructor - Dave Thomas, 8th Dan Black Belt AKS
Guest Instructor - Robert Essenberg, 3rd Dan AKS who was awarded 2009 Instructor of the Year by the Black Belt Hall of Fame
Assistant Instructors: Jim Roy 5th Dan AKS Debra Roy, 5th Dan AKS Robert Roy, 1st Dan AKS.
Call Dave for more information: 231-206-3279
Attention Club Instructors. Please send your club/class schedule to me so that I can include your class schedules here.
Tournament News
No tournaments this quarter.
Black Belt Membership Dues
Please contact Dave Thomas.
Do You Have Member News ?
Please send news (weddings, births, graduations, etc.) so that we may share with our members and friends. Accompanying pictures are most welcome!
If you have a concern, question or suggestion, please let us know and we will address it here in the Punchline.
Please send your information to the AKS Webmaster. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Info

Fred Reinecke
John Folsom (304) 782-3756
Jude Gore / Chairperson
Debra Roy
Andrew Eckhart
Kristyn Reinecke
Mike Sullenger
The AKS Executive Board is currently working on updating the AKS Student Handbook and The AKS Rules and Regulations. This also includes techniques and requirements. If you find errors in the handbook, please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions to grow and improve the AKS.
Social Media
AKS Facebook Fan Page
AKS Karate Headquarters FB
West Virginia AKS FB
AKS Facebook Group
You will need to have a FaceBook Login for the 'Group' link.Our Official Web Address:
www.aks-usa.comIn addition: www.aks-usa.org or www.aks-usa.net will direct you to our website as well.
You can type in www.aks-usa.info and you will be taken directly to our "About Us" web page. Please check us out!!
For Questions or CommentsMike Sullenger - Chief Instructor Emeritus
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AKS Webmaster