AKS Quarterly Newsletter
June 2022
The Master's Edge

9th Dan
AKS Chief Instructor
June 28, 2022
Well it's Summer of 2022. Here are some things to look forward to. Our Annual AKS Summer Camp will be held on the weekend of August 6th. We have a nice line up of instructors and a chance to learn something new. Also a chance to get reacquainted with other members of our style along with anyone else who decides to visit/participate. You should be able to find the full schedule on our AKS FB page as well as the 'News' section of this Punchline. It will also be on the AKS Karate Headquarters FB page.
Turning to new technology, we now are holding a Google meeting of our executive board once per month so that our communications are up to date and also to work on projects to move the AKS forward. If you have suggestions, please submit them to your representative on the board in your area. In West Virginia that would be John Folsom 8th Dan and Jude Gore 7th Dan. In Toledo, Andrew Eckhart 5th Dan. In West Michigan, Debra Roy 5th Dan, Kristyn Reinecke 4th Dan. Of course you can always send questions to me. Most email addresses are on the AKS website.
We are almost out of hand books so we are looking to reprint them. If you noticed a typo or some misinformation that you want to see corrected, please send it to Jude Gore. Or use this email address: akscorrections@gmail.com to report corrections. We are trying to get this done as soon as possible so please send this info by July 17th.
For those of you who would like advanced belt training, AKS Headquarters is holding a once per month advanced classes which are free to any members. Also in July for those who like Okinawan weapons training, each Saturday there will be a one hour-long Kobudo class from 11:30a to 12:30p. Along with AKS members, all styles are welcome. There will be an additional fee for this Kobudo class. Check the AKS Karate Headquarters FB page for information.
So until next time, keep training and hope to see you at Summer Camp.
Frederic A. Reinecke
Chief Instructor AKS
Far Karate Facebook Page
You may also check our AKS Facebook Page for information.
The DoJo

8th Dan AKS
Defying the Ages
Dave Thomas
About fifteen years ago, I was leaving class with my student and good friend, Father Jim Wyse. Class that night had been particularily vigorous and I was feeling the effects all the way to my car. "I may have to consider retiring. Tonight's training kicked my butt." I whined. "Funikoshi taught til he was 86," my dear friend replied.
"Okay, never mind." Game, set and match. The retirement lament was off the table. We changed the conversation so he could regale me with his in-depth knowledge of Spiderman.
One of the realities of the American Karate System is that many of the senior black belts are in their sixties, and a few if us in our seventies. As we discuss students, techniques and forms, we also manage to work in our last medical appointment and current prescription buffet. But in spite of our advancing years, we still bow in and give 100% for our students. We are talking about prefection of techniques and improving self-defense when our friends outside martial arts are researching retirement villages.
I reluctantly turned 72 years old last week. At this point in my life I would like my birthday to pass unnoticed, but between my friends on Facebook and my wonderful family, my birthday gets more attention than I deserve or care for.
When I am on the floor, I do stretching and warm-ups with the class, but not with the same vigor of 30 years ago. I still occasonally spar with my students, and I am honored that they allow me to score at times. Every class is great fun, hard work and pushing the envelope, and the students enjoy it too.
When I put my uniform on and stand before my class, I want them to know that the "old man" with thinning gray hair, still has something to offer them. I want them to know that I am there for them, to help them build and grow their skills. I want them to learn what I was taught, so that if the need ever arises they can use their skills to keep themselves safe. But more importantly, I want my students to know that desire and committment will triumph over years. That the years on the calendar don't define the person.
And with any luck, many years from now as the next generation of AKS Black Belts walk to their nuclear powered mode of transportation, they can share with a classmate, "I can do this because my teacher taught well into his seventies."
Dave Thomas
8th Dan
by Someone

Sandra Gore, 3rd Dan AKS

Fred Reinecke
9th Dan
Chief Instructor

John Folsom
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Dave Thomas
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

E. Jude Gore
7th Dan
Chief Instructor

Rand (Skip) Palmer
6th Dan
Chief Instructor
& Self-Defense Program

Mark Soderstrom
3rd Dan
Chief Instructor

John Billie
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor
CONGRATULATIONS to all students who have been promoted this past quarter, and to those we've missed in prior newsletters.
Best wishes in your continued training!
Attention Instructors, if you have students who have been promoted, please send this information so that we may acknowledge their accomplishments.
A.K.S. NEWS . . .
Website Updates

So far so good. Lots of work but our webpages are rendering very nicely on smaller screens. Still much to do, but will eventually cover all pages.

As always, if you have problems with the new design, or have requests or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at AKS Webmaster
Let's keep the recovery going by adhering to our (un)social-distancing practices. Be diligent in keeping our 6 foot perimeters, washing hands, covering a cough or sneeze, washing hands, staying positive, washing hands, catching up on reading, movies and board games with "also bored" family members, washing hands, wear your masks to the grocery store - and IN the grocery store, washing hands, DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE - or anyone else's! Oh! and WASH YOUR HANDS!! If we are vigilent, we CAN prevent a re-lapse. Let's work together (from 6 feet). We CAN do this!
Laura Werner
AKS Webmaster
2022 AKS Summer Camp / Dinner Schedule
Saturday, August 6th
Open to all members of the AKS, also open to other styles. See schedule below. The dinner will be held at Northside Pub off of M120 in N. Muskegon. The workout locations are listed below. Due to the chance of rain it will be held indoors.
Location: AKS Headquarters Bldg. 5571 E Apple Ave, Muskegon, MI 49442
Friday August 5th:Cost for training event. $35.00 donation to the AKS per family. $10.00 per person for Dinner.
Saturday August 6th:
- 9:00 am AKS Headquarters opens. Come early and warm up on your own.
- 10:00 to 11:30 am 1st Session Dave Thomas Self Defense, David Hayes Suikendo
- 11:30 Lunch
- 12:45 Group Photograph
- 1:00 to 2:30 pm 2nd Session Tom Twining Kobudo.
- 2:45 to 4:00 pm 3nd Session Jude Gore JO movements.
- 4:15 to 5:15 pm 4rd Session Fred Reinecke AKS Cat Forms. Review of previous sessions.
IMPORTANT If you are planning to attend a weapons session, please furnish your own. Sessions listed may be moved depending on attendance. Please RSVP using FB
6:30 Dinner ~ $10.00 per person - Northside Pub, 2353 Holton Rd.(M-120), North Muskegon.
Instructors for this year's summer camp:
- Fred Reinecke 9th Degree AKS, Review of AKS Cat Forms.
- Dave Thomas 8th Degree AKS, Self Defense against Knife, Gun and Club
- Tom Twining 8th Degree AKS, Kobudo Sets, Tunfa against Bo.
- Jude Gore 7th Degree AKS, Basic movements with the JO.
- David Hayes 8th Dan Shorin Ryu, Suikendo Self Defense Sets.

2021 Summer Camp Photo
Available Clubs and Schedules:

Tom Twining 8th Dan
Schedule a phone call and I'll get in touch

AKS is conducting classes for AGES 8 + up at Cassell Training Center, 710 Alberta Street, Muskegon, MI.
Classes are Fridays from 6:30 - 8:00
Cost for individuals - $50.00 a month
Cost for family (immediate) - $75.00 a month
Chief Instructor - Dave Thomas, 8th Dan Black Belt AKS
Guest Instructor - Robert Essenberg, 3rd Dan AKS who was awarded 2009 Instructor of the Year by the Black Belt Hall of Fame
Assistant Instructors: Jim Roy 5th Dan AKS Debra Roy, 5th Dan AKS Robert Roy, 1st Dan AKS.
Call Dave for more information: 231-206-3279
Attention Club Instructors. Please send your club/class schedule to me so that I can include your class schedules here.
Tournament News
Kristyn Reinecke and Laura Rohr competed at the Grand Rapids Karate Championships. Pictured with their trophies.

2022 Black Belt Membership Dues
Please contact Dave Thomas.
Do You Have Member News ?
Please send news (weddings, births, graduations, etc.) so that we may share with our members and friends. Accompanying pictures are most welcome!
If you have a concern, question or suggestion, please let us know and we will address it here in the Punchline.
Please send your information to the AKS Webmaster. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact Info

Fred Reinecke
John Folsom (304) 782-3756
Jude Gore / Chairperson
Debra Roy
Andrew Eckhart
Kristyn Reinecke
Mike Sullenger
The AKS Executive Board is currently working on updating the AKS Student Handbook and The AKS Rules and Regulations. This also includes techniques and requirements. If you find errors in the handbook, please let us know. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions to grow and improve the AKS.
Social Media
AKS Facebook Fan Page
AKS Karate Headquarters FB
West Virginia AKS FB
AKS Facebook Group
You will need to have a FaceBook Login for the 'Group' link.Our Official Web Address:
www.aks-usa.comIn addition: www.aks-usa.org or www.aks-usa.net will direct you to our website as well.
You can type in www.aks-usa.info and you will be taken directly to our "About Us" web page. Please check us out!!
For Questions or CommentsMike Sullenger - Chief Instructor Emeritus
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AKS Webmaster