AKS Quarterly Newsletter
December 2021
The Master's Edge
2021 has been a little more promising for getting out there to practice Karate. We have all had our hands full with trying to learn to navigate the new normal. Realizing that COVID-19 will be with us in some form or another for years to come, we just need to take precautions like any other infection or disease out there. It's not "political" people. It's your life, health and well-being that should concern you. Do your best to keep yourself, AND OTHERS, safe this coming year. So we all can get back to being somewhat "normal" again.
Be thankful for all your blessings, family, friends, and all the people in your life that make your life happy! The AKS family would like to wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2022!
Blessings & Merry Christmas,
AKS Webmaster
The DoJo

8th Dan AKS
Here I Go Again
Hello Black Belts and Students of the American Karate System. I am pleased to announce that I am going to be teaching regular classes again at Cassell Training Center here in Muskegon. I am partnering with Bob Essenberg who owns the dance and gymnastic facility. It is a very nice facility and has several rooms with mirrors that will work well for training. It also has a spring loaded tumbling floor, that should be fun for practicing kicks.
Bob is already working on promoting the class on the Cassell website and on Facebook. Our class will begin on October 15 and, for the time being, meet only on Friday night from 6:30 to 8:00PM.
I can honestly say that I wasn't planning on teaching a regular class again, but I have had great deal of encouragement from home and outside requests. I am looking forward to being back on the floor in uniform. Please feel free to contact me if you have any interest or questions.
Wish me luck,
Dave Thomas
8th Dan
by Someone

Sandra Gore, 3rd Dan AKS

John Folsom
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

Dave Thomas
8th Dan
Chief Instructor

E. Jude Gore
7th Dan
Chief Instructor

Rand (Skip) Palmer
6th Dan
Chief Instructor
& Self-Defense Program

Mark Soderstrom
3rd Dan
Chief Instructor

John Billie
2nd Dan
Chief Instructor
CONGRATULATIONS to all students who have been promoted this past quarter, and to those we've missed in prior newsletters.
Best wishes in your continued training!
Attention Instructors, if you have students who have been promoted, please send this information so that we may acknowledge their accomplishments.
A.K.S. NEWS . . .
Website Updates

So far so good. Lots of work but our webpages are rendering very nicely on smaller screens. Still much to do, but will eventually cover all pages.

As always, if you have problems with the new design, or have requests or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at AKS Webmaster
Let's keep the recovery going by adhering to our (un)social-distancing practices. Be diligent in keeping our 6 foot perimeters, washing hands, covering a cough or sneeze, washing hands, staying positive, washing hands, catching up on reading, movies and board games with "also bored" family members, washing hands, wear your masks to the grocery store - and IN the grocery store, washing hands, DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE - or anyone else's! Oh! and WASH YOUR HANDS!! If we are vigilent, we CAN prevent a re-lapse. Let's work together (from 6 feet). We CAN do this!
Laura Werner
AKS Webmaster
AKS Summer Camp 2021
Sydney Brooks
Tournament News
No news for this quarter . . .
2022 Black Belt Membership Dues
Please contact Dave Thomas.
Do You Have Member News ?
Please send news (weddings, births, graduations, etc.) so that we may share with our members and friends. Accompanying pictures are most welcome!
If you have a concern, question or suggestion, please let us know and we will address it here in the Punchline.
Please send your information to the AKS Webmaster. We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Info

Fred Reinecke
John Folsom (304) 782-3756
Jude Gore
Debra Roy
Andrew Eckhart
Mike Sullenger
Social Media
AKS Facebook Fan Page
AKS Facebook Group
You will need to have a FaceBook Login for the 'Group' link.
Our Official Web Address:
www.aks-usa.comIn addition: www.aks-usa.org or www.aks-usa.net will direct you to our website as well.
You can type in www.aks-usa.info and you will be taken directly to our "About Us" web page. Please check us out!!
For Questions or Comments