Benefits of Membership
Ernie Lieb - View Life Story
Ernest H. Lieb - 10th Dan / Life Bio

Becoming a member of the A.K.S. requires a desire for true study in the art of traditional karate, as well as for developing one's abilities beyond that of the typical sport karate mentality.  The A.K.S. is a "not-for-profit" organization, and therefore keeps its testing, annual membership, and other relative fees low.

People who want to find an AKS school should visit our "Membership Directory" in order to find an AKS Instructor in your area. Since we are not a large organization you may have difficulty finding a club or school in your area.

Martial Artists who are black belts in other systems or styles and wish to become members of the AKS should provide the following:

    • Provide copies of all rank certifications;
    • Provide a synopsis of your training in the martial arts (styles, instructors, ranks, locations/schools, etc.);
    • Arrange to meet with one of the AKS senior instructors in order to begin the process of learning AKS movements, techniques, and katas (empty hand and weapons forms).

Our process is focused on aiding the individual's assimilation with the A.K.S. to the level/rank they currently hold.  For example, if you are a 2nd Dan you will train with us until you reach the level of an A.K.S. 2nd Dan.  Then, depending on your time-in-grade (you've been at that rank for three or more years), you will begin training towards the next A.K.S. rank (3rd Dan).  Once you have earned that rank your time-in-grade will begin towards the next level.

To be clear regarding promotions and rank with the AKS, we are not a source for those seeking to gain additional rank and credentials. We are only interested in people who are serious martial artists and sincerely desire to become a participating member of our organization.

When A.K.S. members train or compete, they are expected and required to uphold and maintain the highest levels of integrity and sportsmanship, as well as moral and ethical conduct.

The A.K.S. has a quarterly online news letter called the Punchline. This news letter helps members stay informed and in touch.

Currently the A.K.S. has black belt instructors in Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Nevada, Texas, Massachusetts, and West Virginia. We are a small organization because we feel that quality, more than quantity, is what's important. We also teach our students that no single style or organization is better or worse than any other. Each has its pros and cons. The person who represents a style or organization either does so well, or not so well. There is something to be learned from all styles and systems.

We are interested in other martial artists who think and feel as we do. Induction into the A.K.S. is on a case by case basis. If you feel we are the kind of organization you would like to be viable member of, we'd love to hear from you.

If you are already a black belt in another system/style, we will evaluate your abilities and work with you until you have acquired the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge for equivalent rank in the A.K.S.

We also have "Associate" Members. If you are interested in any aspect of the A.K.S. organization, or have questions, please feel free to Contact Us

Our annual summer camp is held in Muskegon, Michigan each summer. It affords members (new and old alike) the opportunity to learn new techniques and skills, experience techiques from our "guest" instructors of various styles and training, and to form new friendships and renew old ones.

Summer camp begins on a Friday with testings and black belt meetings. Saturday is a whole day of training with several time frames to allow all aspects of instruction that involves technique, forms, sparring and even some one-on-one training. Saturday evening is normally a social get-together at a local venue or a host participant's home. Sunday is reserved for those who wish to stay a little longer and revue the skills acquired on Saturday.

Very often, we are lucky enough to have our German counterparts in attendance. Thus making for a fun and all encompassing camp.

Regional seminars are scheduled at various places and times throughout the year to promote unified training and testing for A.K.S. Black Belts as well as students. Seminars are announced in our Punchline and on the Calendar of Events page on our website.

We in the A.K.S. don't believe one style is better or worse than another. We recognize that all styles and systems have virtue and benefits. The style one chooses to train in, most of the time, is the result of the school of closest location.

Some students train in different styles, thereby broadening their understanding and abilities. To that end, our brown and black belts are encouraged to learn forms and techniques from other styles and systems that they can pass along to other A.K.S. members. As an eclectic system, the A.K.S. strives to continue its growth and understanding through this type of open-minded method of training and study.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our system of karate in more depth, please feel free to Contact Us. You may also find the individual club instructor on the "Membership Directory" link in the menu.  There are phone numbers and email addresses listed by person.  We look forward to hearing from you!

MAS (Michael A. Sullenger)
Chief Instructor Emeritus